DQ Cove Horizontal Stainless Steel Designer Radiator, Polished, 600mm x 413mm – Double Panel

With a Polished colouring and Highly Polished finish, modern designer radiators don’t get much more stylish than this Stainless Steel DQ Cove. The aesthetic of traditional column radiators is still very relevant for that industrial chic in the home, and the double panel panel columns across the 7 sections of this piece are imbued with that distinctive style. Your pipes will need to be 493mm apart to the centres to accommodate the 413mm width, and 50mm from the wall for a total projection of 90mm. Be sure to measure your space to ensure the 600mm height won’t be a problem and you have a radiator suited to warming medium-sized rooms with ease. The weight is 17kg.

The performance is as state-of-the-art as the look, radiating up to 1621 BTUs per hour. Our price of … and we are currently offering delivery in 2-3 days for your convenience. Peace of mind is provided by the generous guarantee of 10 year.

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