Reina Flat Vertical Designer Radiator, White, 1800mm x 440mm – Double Panel

The Reina flat embodies the unmistakable look of contemporary flat panel radiators with its sleek lines and streamlined aesthetic. This version has a White colouring and is 1800mm tall and 440mm wide, assembled in a vertical orientation. The sturdy Steel body has a lustrous Gloss finish throughout and is composed of 12 sections, tipping the scales at kg. What results is a sublime, durable heater which, owing to an advanced double panel format, delivers warmth with great efficiency. The potential heat output is 4022 BTUs per hour, which is enough for your home’s larger spaces. It requires radiator pipes that are 520mm apart to the centres and 64mm from the wall for installation, and its projection into the room will be 93mm once installed.

We sell for … saving our customers …45 against the RRP for this luxurious radiator. We provide free delivery in delivery in 2-3 days and Reina guarantee is for 10 year.

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